Wardens Challenge: Episode VI, The Return of the Warden… An Epilogue

Unto the good people of Meridies and the hearty souls of the Northern Plateau, do I, Baron Eoin Mac Cana, Warden, send good tidings and warmest greetings.

Back in January, when our shire, Easaraigh, began discussions and planning for our event this season, I volunteered to steward the activity as we shifted its occurrence on the calendar to the month of June. Having spent the last two seasons at the Pennsic War, in support of my Earl, Benen Mactire, I had not been able to attend my shire’s event due it occurring during the Pennsic campaign. This season, I sought to remedy this shortfall. This would be the sixth occurrence of Wardens Challenge that my home group, Easaraigh, had hosted since the Wardens Challenge inception, shortly after I was presented the title of ‘Warden of the Northern Plateau’ by the illustrious Imperator Barthelemy. My home group honors me by sharing the title I was presented in the name of the event. At this point, I feel the idea of the Warden belongs to Easaraigh more so than me, as bearer of the title.

This sixth occurrence of the event, happened to align with the sixth movie of the Star Wars franchise (in story order, not so much in release) in that we had chosen ‘Return of the Warden’ as the theme. From that point, we decided the lean into ‘borrowing’ from the Star Wars marketing look and feel for our own advertising. I really enjoyed both the subtle and blatant references that came to fore. That blending of whimsical anachronism in our medievally inspired hobby is a joy of mine, I confess. It keeps us honest and true to the foundation of this hobby that, at times, can be too serious. I am entirely pleased with the product we created.

Our event, Wardens Challenge, Episode VI: Return of the Warden, held true to our base principles here in Easariagh. Like the fabled tale of Goldie Locks, we like our events to be ‘just right’. To that end, we shone bright yesterday at the fairgrounds in Sparta.

As steward, my shire and the attendees made the event happen in the magical way things do sometimes. For my part, I was just a witness to a smooth running clock that chimed on schedule without a need for winding. Ceri and Maria greeted our guests as the arrived. Ellen and I welcomed and thanked them for coming. Our many volunteer teachers shared knowledge to willing students. Our martials (Sean, Benen, Asa, Mongo, Arianne) held many competitions of skill and daring. At lunch, we broke for sustenance and our stewards (Ronan and Elysant) and staff (Hallgrimr, Yrsa, and the 3 Lairds Hallgrimsson) delivered a bounty of victuals that filled the stomach and pleased the senses. Very many hands made light work for this steward. You are all appreciated.

We topped our day off with a royal court, the likes of which has not been seen on this part of the Northern Plateau in recent memory. We are so happy to have been able to share our day with Their Royal Majesties, Sebastianos and Morgan; with His Highness, Barthelemy, and the baronages to our east and west; Their Excellencies Ysabel and Jean-Azriel of Glaedenfeld and Bjorn of Thor’s Mountain. The rarity of so many renowned leaders visiting our small shire was a sight to behold and we were so pleased to be able to host them.

To all who came to visit our shire of Easariagh, in the land of the Cumbrians, on a warm day in the month of June… I offer my humblest thanks. We, of Easaraigh, thank you all for coming. We do this not just for ourselves, but for you and our hobby. Thank you.

Your servant in humility,

Baron Eoin Mac Cana
Warden of the Northern Plateau
Steward, Warden’s Challenge VI